Media Coordinators

The SADC National Media Coordinators (SNMCs) are one of the primary information intermediaries at national level. These are civil servants who are mostly located in the Government Communication Ministry/Department. SNMCs are an integral part of the SADC National Committees consisting of the stakeholders as provided for under Article 16A of the Agreement Amending the Treaty of SADC. The SNMCs are the focal point for SADC communications and movers of the SCPS at national level.

The National Media Coordinators perform the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. Spearhead the implementation of the SADC Communication and Promotions Strategy at national level by formulating a media and public relations campaign plan for implementation at national level;
  2. Provide link between SADC Secretariat and the local media intermediaries for quick dissemination of information;
  3. Compile, maintain and update a mailing list of all the media in their country
  4. Compile and maintain a list of all communication focal points in government ministries
  5. Facilitate resource mobilisation for the implementation of the SADC Communication and Promotions Strategy at the national level;
  6. Facilitate awareness of SADC protocols and SADC policy instruments among Member States;
  7. Ensure link between SADC website and government websites in Member States;
  8. Ensure SADC pages on government websites;
  9. Facilitate the implementation of a Crisis Management and Communication Plan;
  10. Advocate, promote and support national structures within Member States; and
  11. Promote and facilitate SADC Media Awards and national adjudication processes.
Tel/Fax: +244 222 210 740
Cell: +244 923 718 959
Email Address,

National Director of Institutional Information and  Communication -  Ministry of Telecommunication, Information Technologies and Social Communication.

Tel/Fax: +267 369 8505
Cell: +267 77 029 151
Email Address

Deputy Director

Botswana Government Communications and Information System (BGCIS)
Ministry for Presidential Affairs Governance and Public Administration
P/Bag 001

Tel/Fax: + 269 328 53 99 / +269 438 53 99
Email Address

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Tel/Fax: + 243 815 080 438/243 990 240 161
Email Address

Director of Information

Tel/Fax: + 268 2404 0651
Email Address

SADC National Media Coordinator
Ministry of Information, Communications & Technology
Inter-Ministerial Building #8
Level 3 Mhlambanyatsi Road

P O Box 642
Mbabane, Eswatini

Tel/Fax: (+266) 3158448
Cell: (+266) 3158448
Email Address

Editor- Lesotho Today

Tel/Fax: +261 34 68 985 62
Email Address

Director of Communication

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
B.P 836
Andriamifidy Street, Anosy
101 - Antananarivo

Tel/Fax: + 265 1 774 568
Email Address

Government Information and Communications Unit (GICU)
Ministry of Information and Civic Education
Private Bag 310

Tel/Fax: +230 201 12 77
Cell: +230 52 588 660
Email Address

Director, Information Services

Prime Minister's Office

6th Floor, New Government Centre

Port Louis

Republic of Mauritius​

Tel/Fax: + 258 843 454 000 +258 823 454 000
Email Address

Director of Information and Communication
780, Avenida Francisco Magumbwe
Maputo, Mozambique

Cell: +264 811 66 03 58
Email Address
Tel/Fax: + 248) 4243646
Cell: +248 2724 425
Email Address,

Media Secretary

Seychelles Media Commission

Tel/Fax: +27 12 473 0355
Cell: +27 124730193
Email Address

Chief Director

Government Communication and Information System
Tshedimosetso House
1035 Frances Baard & Festival Street
Hatfield, Pretoria


Tel/Fax: + 255 22 2125180 / +255 22 2125181 /+ 255 22 2126834
Cell: + 255 754 698 856
Email Address,

Assistant Director – Department of Information Services
Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports
P O Box 25
LAPF Building,
40481 DODOMA
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Tel/Fax: (+260) -211-237151
Cell: +260966- 7642501 /+260977-750897
Email Address

Chief Media Development Officer

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
Lusaka, Zambia

Tel/Fax: 263 242 764 088
Cell: 263 773 877 808
Email Address,

Director for International Communication Services

Ministry of Information, Publicity Broadcasting Services
P O Box CY1276
Causeway, Harare