The overall mandate of the Finance Directorate is to deliver an effective and efficient financial advisory service within the SADC secretariat which ensures the achievement of the SADC Secretariat’s financial objectives. The Finance Directorate supports the SADC secretariat to fulfil its fiduciary...
Directorates and Units
The Conference Services Unit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat was established to facilitate decision-making and implementation by ensuring common understanding among Member States and other stakeholders. It ensures that SADC meetings take place by making available, in...
The Mandate of the Procurement Ex-Ante Unit is to ensure provision of quality assurance through compliance review and quality control of procurement related activities. Functions Ensures timely acquisition of goods, services and works. Ensures effectiveness, best value for money, fairness, integrity...
The Communications and Public Relations Unit (CPRU) oversees a wide range of communications, visibility and awareness activities including: providing strategic corporate communication, promotion and awareness of SADC programmes, as well as Public Relations and Protocol Services. leading and...
The Macro-Economic Surveillance and Performance Unit of the SADC Secretariat was created to support implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP). The main purpose of the Macro-economic surveillance and performance unit is to provide policy guidance and advice to...
The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Unit is responsible for the effective and efficient use of ICT within the SADC Secretariat and to assist Directorates and Units in harnessing ICT within SADC programmes Functions Guides the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies...
The Legal Services Unit is responsible for the provision of legal support services to the SADC Institutions and Member States in achieving regional cooperation and integration. Functions Guides SADC in the application and interpretation of SADC legal regimes including the SADC Treaty, SADC Protocols...
The mandate of the Internal Audit and Risk Management Directorate is to coordinate risk management activities, and provide assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control environment within the Secretariat to mitigate identified risks and enable the achievement of strategic...
The Directorate of Human Resources and Administration provides efficient and effective services in the areas of Human Resources, Administration, Records Management and Conference Services that support the SADC Secretariat’s fulfilment of its key mandate towards regional integration and socio...
The mandate of the Finance, Investment and Customs (FIC) Directorate is to facilitate trade and financial liberalisation; and creation of an enabling environment for investment, contributing to deeper regional economic integration, inclusive growth and poverty eradication. Functions Facilitates...