The overall objective of the Windhoek Declaration is to positively contribute to the SADC Common Agenda, and the attainment of the SADC Mission of promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth, and to achieve deeper regional cooperation and integration. This new partnership also aims to support the following overarching principles enshrined in the SADC Treaty and reiterated in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan and Strategic Indicative Plan of the Organ:
- Good governance
- Strengthened regional capacity
- Durable peace and security in the region
Since the Windhoek Declaration was adopted in 2006 in Windhoek, Namibia, the following implementation measures have been put in place:
- Agreement to coordinate cooperation between SADC and the ICPs through thematic groups and under SADC leadership;
- Establishment of the following functional groups:
- Joint SADC-ICP Task Force
- Core Group
- Thematic Groups
- Identification of ICP focal points and the roles they should play in specific thematic areas to improve coordination; and
- Development of an overarching implementation action plan.