Outros Documentos

Title Date Download Language
Preventing the Rising Tide of Childhood and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity in the Southern African Development Community 26 Sep 2024 Download English
SADC successfully hosted the 7th annual Industrialisation Week 24 Sep 2024 Download English
Relatorio Regional; Progresso de dados e provas para a Prevenção da Violência Baseada no Género e SRHR na Região da África Austral 07 Aug 2024 Download Portuguese
Rapport regionale; Développement de données probantes pour la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre et la santé sexuelle et reproductive dans la région de l’Afrique australe 07 Aug 2024 Download French
Regional Report; Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa 07 Aug 2024 Download English
Public Finance for Nutrition Report: SADC Member States 20 Feb 2024 Download English
SADC Nutrition Budget Tracking Tool 20 Feb 2024 Download English
SADC Nutrition Financing Tracking Tool: Methodological Note 20 Feb 2024 Download English
Desenvolvimento Urbano Informado sobre os Riscos 12 Dec 2023 Download Portuguese
Developpement Urbain Tenant Compte des Risques 12 Dec 2023 Download French
Risk-Informed Urban Development 12 Dec 2023 Download English
Ferramentas para Fortalecer a Resiliência dos Sistemas de Infra-Estructuras e serviços ne Região da SADC 12 Dec 2023 Download Portuguese
Outils pour renforcer la Resilience des Systemes et Services d`infrastracture dans la Region de la SADC 12 Dec 2023 Download French
Tools for Strengthening the Resilience of Infrastructure Systems and Services in the SADC Region 12 Dec 2023 Download English
Names and contacts of SADC Quality Awards Focal Points 06 Dec 2023 Download English
SEP SADC Regional Statistics Project 21 Apr 2023 Download English
ESCP P175731 SADC Regional Statistics Project 21 Apr 2023 Download English
Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa - SADC SEP 03 Apr 2023 Download English
Annual Procurement Plan of the African Union Commission for the Fiscal Year 2023 16 Jan 2023 Download English
Nutrition Inputs SADC Website October 2021 04 Oct 2022 Download English
Nutrition SBCC Strategy 04 Oct 2022 Download English
English SADC Fortification Minimum Standards 04 Oct 2022 Download English
Action framework to improve diets of young children 04 Oct 2022 Download English
SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2022 - Portuguese 17 Aug 2022 Download English
SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2022 - French 17 Aug 2022 Download English
SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2022 - English 17 Aug 2022 Download English
SADC Regional Framework on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Teachers 03 Aug 2022 Download English
SDG4 Report 28 Jul 2022 Download English
SADC Youth Agency Framework as an addendum to the CSTL Regional Framework 28 Jul 2022 Download English