Closing Date: November 4, 2022

Closing Time: 03:00 PM

Open Tender

Reference number:              83417533                     

Processing no.:                  2017.2034.1-010

Project name:                     Support towards Industrialization and the Productive Sectors in the SADC region (SIPS)

Project title:                       Harnessing of Hides and Skins as Leather Products in Namibia

Country:                             Namibia

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat, the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) are jointly supporting the “COVID-19-relevant Medical and Pharmaceutical Products” (CMPP), the Antiretroviral (ARV) and Leather regional value-chain (LVC) projects. These RVCs are part of the Joint Action “Support towards Industrialization and the Productive Sectors in the SADC region (SIPS) project

GIZ  would like to commission consultancy services to carry out assessments, run a pilot feedlot hotel and train farmers on good animal husbandry practices, feedlot management and Quality Management Systems (QMS) in the livestock industry within Namibia.

The primary focus is to reduce damages to hides and skins. The tasks will be accomplished through the introduction and promotion of cooperative feedlot hotels to farmers. Trainings and workshops are to be done to ensure that farmers understand and participate in the value of hide and skin care in farms and feedlots. These trainings will be centered on good animal husbandry practices and ways on adopting a quality management systems (QMS) model in their individual farming operations.

Trainings and guidance in implementing a quality management systems model will allow farmers to adopt a systematic approach on documenting and improving their production practices, refining how they manage the day-to- day activities (daily operational management, planning and business evaluation decisions) in farming.

For more detailed information please refer to the attached Terms of Reference (ToR, Annex 1). Prospective bidders for the assignment are invited from the SADC Region (regional tender).

Submission deadline

Should you be interested in participating in this regional (SADC) tender and implementing the task, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference (Annex 1) for more detailed information. Submission of tender documents to BW_Quotation@giz.de no later than 4th November 2022, 15:00 hrs. Please note that tender bids received after the stipulated time and date will not be accepted.

Technical offer (based on the criteria of the assessment grid (Annex 2)

The following items must be submitted with the technical proposal drawn up in English language:

  1. Technical proposal stating why you consider your service suitable for the assignment and a brief methodology on the approach as well as a detailed work plan
  2. CVs of proposed technical personnel proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experiences
  3. The technical offer should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including interpretation of the assignment, work plan and proposed methodology/strategy.
  4. The technical offer will be assessed based on the technical proposal and the company profile provided, examples of similar work undertaken previously

Price offer

The price offer must be submitted in accordance with the attached format for the price offer (Annex 3) and General Terms and Conditions of contract (Annex 4).  Personnel costs should be shown per expert assigned for the measure.  Travel costs and all other costs must be shown separately.  All communication related costs, stationery and printing costs for reports must be included in the calculation.  Please submit your offer in EUR currency. Upon contract drafting the offer will be converted to your local currency using the exchange rate of the day from the converter Infor Euro: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro_en.cfm

The following items must be submitted with the financial proposal

(a) The financial offer form (Annex 3) to be completed for the price offer

(b) Company bank letter within 6 months

(c) Company Tax clearance certificate (TCC) (where applicable according to the country regulation)

(d) Company Certificate / Certificate of incorporation

Alternative offers

No alternative offers are permitted.

Labelling of offer

Your bid, comprising the technical offer and the price offer, must be clearly marked as such with the contract number, tender name and submitted separately (combined technical and financial offers will be disqualified).

Price offer for (labelled):

Harnessing of Hides and Skins for Leather Products in Namibia

Reference number: 83417533
– to be opened by GIZ procurement unit only –

Technical offer for (labelled):

Harnessing of Hides and Skins for Leather Products in Namibia

Reference number: 83417533
– to be opened by GIZ evaluation team & Procurement Unit –

Procedural questions

Please address any commercial, technical and procedural questions at an early stage. Questions will be answered if they are received at the latest five working days before the closing of the tender. Questions must be raised in writing, by email to: dimpho.keitseng@giz.de:

Non-compliance may result in your bid not being considered.

Evaluation of Offer

Technical offers scored 500 points and above after the final technical evaluation, only their financial bids will be opened and evaluated. Technical offers scored below 500 points will be considered as technically not acceptable. The weightings are as below for Technical (T) and Financial (F);

T: 70%, and F: 30%. The following formula will be used:

technical evaluation of bid x 70technical evaluation of best bid+most economical bid x 30price of bid

The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the highest score (Technical plus Financial weighing), and in case of achieving the same score, a priority is given to the bidder who submitted their bid earlier. Contractual negotiations are generally commenced with the bidder achieving the highest score. Should these negotiations not be successful, the second highest scorer on the list shall be invited to commence negotiations.

Date of decision to award contract

For procedural reasons, no information on the status of the evaluation will be given pending the decision on contract award. We would therefore ask you to refrain from making enquiries about this. Only the winning bidder will be informed.

Acceptance period and Commencement of work

Please note that you are bound by your bid for 90 days.

GIZ reserves the right to accept, reject and/or cancel any or part of the bid.

GIZ also reserves the right to cancel the bid entirely.

Yours truly,



  1. Terms of Reference
  2. Technical Assessment Grid
  3. Budget allocation form (for financial proposal)
  4. GIZ General Terms and Conditions of contract
  5. Joint Action SIPS Log frame
  6. Inception Report
  7. Description of Action (DoA)

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