Chairperson: Right Honourable Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho and Chairperson of SADC, Mr. Phakalitha Mosisili.
Incoming SADC Chairperson: His Excellency, Mr. Levy Patrick Mwanasa, President of the Republic of Zambia.
Deputy Chairperson: His Excellency, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa
Incoming Chairperson of Organ: His Excellency Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos, President of the Republic of Angola
Deputy Chairperson: His Majesty, King Mswati III, Kingdom of Swaziland
Meeting Held: Lusaka, Republic of Zambia
Date: 16-17th August 2007
Major issues considered:
The review of regional energy situation, removal of all barriers to facilitate the movement of goods and progress made towards achieving deeper regional integration and to achieve the Free Trade Area in 2008.
Launch of SADC brigade and standby force, strategies to accelerate regional infrastructure development, food security situation in the region. Summit also signed the following:
Agreements to Amend: Article 22 of the SADC Treaty, Protocol on Trade, Annex VI to the Protocol on Trade.
Memorandum of Understanding: amongst SADC Members States in the SADC Headquarters, on the establishment of the SADC Standby Brigade.