Programme for Improving Fisheries Governance and Blue Economy Trade Corridors in SADC Region (PROFISHBLUE)

Closing Date: June 20, 2022

Closing Time: 03:00 PM

Open Tender


1. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB), being a grant under the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance the Programme for Improving Fisheries Governance and Blue Economy Trade Corridors in SADC region (PROFISHBLUE).

2. The overall objective of the project is to promote sustainable management and use of fisheries resources within the blue growth context in the SADC region in order to improve food security, reduce poverty levels through employment opportunities, facilitate intra- regional trade, and enhanced adaptive capacity of fish value chains communities against climate change and other external shocks.

3. The project includes the following components: 

A: Improving collaborative governance of transboundary fisheries and genetic resources

This component includes:

(i) Develop 3 regional Blue Economy Strategy and multi-sector investment plans with a focus on aquatic foods and integrated livelihoods (Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa, Lake Tanganyika. and Mozambique Channel).

(ii) Infrastructure support to regional vessel monitoring, control and surveillance mechanisms in inland lakes and coastal regions (e.g. GPS -based fishing fleet tracking systems).

(iii) Promote genetic improvement and aquaculture programs | regional hatchery support and training.

B: Policy harmonization and trade facilitation towards intra-regional trade This component includes:

(I) Replicate the ‘One Stop Border Post’ program for fisheries across 6 bordering countries (Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Comoros, Madagascar and United Republic of Tanzania)

(II) Support cold-room storage networks and trade corridors for women and youth SME and support market information infrastructure (e.g. INFOSA) and ICT

(III) Provide business development services, accelerator, and incubation/investment support for women and youth SMEs in fish trade and eco-tourism

(IV) Harmonise fish value chain standards, quality control, and packaging for sanitary conditions, SPS, and chain of custody rules/eco-certification

(V) Develop a compendium and inventory of BE actors and support sensitization of regional fisheries and aquaculture SMEs, eco-tourism, and market connectivity to the AfCFTA and its positive impact to industrial development.

(VI) Create an enabling environment for investment and PPPs in the blue economy sectors.

C. Building climate resilience and institutional adaptability to shocks

This component includes:

(I) Scale-up climate services and early warning systems for BE sectors (including fishing, waterways & marine transportation

(II) Provide Covid19 response interventions for better hygiene and develop post-COVID- 19 recovery Plans

(III) Create biosecurity action plans and rapid response mechanisms towards disease outbreak, pest, etc.

(IV) Establish stakeholder engagement platforms & alternative conflict resolution mechanisms

(V) Regional Blue Economy Investment Trust Funds and Emergency Relief

(VI) Promote fish sanctuaries and network of marine protected areas in biodiversity hotspots

D. Project Management This component includes:

(I) Consultancy Services for Financial and Procurement Audit Services

(II) Consultancy services for Feasibility study on improving resilience and watershed management plans in two transboundary water systems (Okavango and Zambezi), including hotspot mapping, PES, loss and damage, and multi-user zoning framework (GEF and GCF financing)

(III) Consultancy services to disseminate fish value chain and sharing application and hands-on training on digital apps

(IV) Consultancy services for training customs and fisheries officers on quality infrastructure and conformity standards

(V) Consultancy services  for developing partnerships, financing, and promoting exportable fish based products 

(VI) Consultancy services to scale-up climate services and early warning systems for BE sectors (including fishing, waterways & marine transportation)

(VII) Consultancy services to provide Covid19 response interventions for better hygiene and develop post-COVID-19 recovery Plans

(VIII) Consultancy services to develop Regional AAH&BS emergency and diagnostic response framework

(IX) Consultancy services to create a platform for stakeholder engagement and business development

(X) Consultancy services to promote network of marine protected areas in biodiversity hotspots, climate buffers and carbon stocks, and payment for ecosystem social enterprises

E. Goods

This component includes:

(i) Procurement of Cold room refrigerated trucks for cross border trade

(ii) Procurement of Transponders fitted to boats and communication equipment

(iii) Procurement of Laboratory, barcoding, inspection equipment and facilities

(iv) Procurement of ICT equipment and management tools (Computers (4), Printers (2), Camera (1); Projector kit (1)

4. The procurement of Goods and Services, financed by the Bank, will be carried out in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations dated October 2015 and in line with the provisions stated in the Grant Agreement. The Bank’s Procurement Policy is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.orq. Solicitation documents are expected to be available as of March 2022.

5. Interested bidders/suppliers/consultants may obtain further information and should confirm their interest, by contacting:

Acting Head of Procurement

Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat

Private Bag 0095 Gaborone, Botswana

Tel. +267 3951863; E-mail: and copied to

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