1. Publication reference: SADC/AIR/FWK-05 /2014
2. Procuring Entity: SADC Secretariat
3. Publication date of the procurement notice: 8th July 2014
4. Type of procurement: Non Consulting Services
5. Lot number and lot title:
- Lot 1: Provision of Air Tickets to SADC Secretariat Executive Management
- Lot 2: Provision of Air Tickets to General SADC Secretariat Staff and Member States
6. Procurement method: National Open Bidding
7. Number of proposals received: 10
8. Overall assessment of the successful proposals: Consideration of Quality and Cost
9. Name and address of successful bidders on Lot 1 & 2:
Lot Number and Description | Successful bidder |
Lot 1: Provision of Air Tickets to SADC Secretariat Executive Management | AT & T Travel, Plot 182, Vision Hire House, Queens Road, Main Mall, P.O Box 60474, Gaborone, Botswana |
AT & T Travel, Plot 182, Vision Hire House, Queens Road, Main Mall, P.O Box 60474, Gaborone, Botswana | |
Lot 2: Provision of Air Tickets toGeneral SADC Secretariat Staffand Member States | Skylink Travel, 169 Queens Road, Main Mall, P.O. Box 1052, Gaborone, Botswana |
Lucky Sky Travel, Plot 54374, Unit 1B, The Grand Union Building, CBD, P.O. Box 60666, Gaborone, Botswana |
10. Date of Notification of award of the contract: 22nd September 2014