Awarded Tender
- Publication reference: SADC/3/5/2/33
- Contracting Authority: SADC Secretariat
- Publication date of the procurement notice: 19 May 2019
- Type of procurement: Services
- Lot number and lot title 1
- Estimated contract value [only for services]: US$284,000.00
- Procurement method: International Limited Bidding
- Number of bids received: 3
- Overall assessment of the successful [Achieved highest technical & financial score
- Contract value: US$282,500.00
- Name and address of successful [bidder/applicant –delete as appropriate]:
NEMUS | Portugal |
NEMUS-Gestao e Requalifacao Ambiental,Lda Estrada do Paco do Lumiar Campus do Lumiar Edificio D-R/C,1649-038 LISBOA |
Pedro de Morais Bettencourt da Camara Correia Coutinho | Portugal |
12. Date of award of the contract: 22 November 2019
1 Document to be completed by the procurement entity and made public after award of a contract, compulsory to be use for contracts estimated to cost US$ 250,000 or more