Gaborone, Botswana: The Joint Meeting of Committee of Ministers responsible for Transport, ICT, Information and Meteorology and Infrastructure from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will meet virtually on June 16, 2023, to assess the status of implementation of decisions and progress made since the sectorial meeting held in July 2021 as well as the status of implementation of SADC Summit of Heads of State and SADC Council of Ministers decisions. The meeting will further receive progress reports on programmes and activities in line with the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP 2020-2030), as well as the SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP 2012-2027).
In accordance with the SADC Protocol on Transport, Communication, and Meteorology, the Ministers will also discuss strategic policy documents for an integrated network of transport, communications, and meteorology systems aimed at promoting economic growth and improved quality of life for SADC citizens.
Honourable Augustin Kibasa Maliba, the Minister of Postal Services, Telecommunications and New Information and Communication Services of the Democratic Republic of Congo will preside over the meeting as the Chairperson of the Joint Meeting of Committee of Ministers responsible for Transport, ICT, Information and Meteorology and Infrastructure. Ms. Angèle Makombo N'tumba, SADC Deputy Executive Secretary responsible for Regional Integration, will officiate the meeting on behalf of the SADC Executive Secretary, His Excellency Mr Elias M. Magosi.
In support of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063, the Ministers will consider the status of implementation of regional infrastructure programmes that support the industrialisation agenda while promoting regional integration and economic growth in line with the SADC Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-2030.
Among others, the Ministers will also review the implementation of the Regional Meteorology Strategy and Action Plan in line with Continental and Global strategies; and consider how National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Member States are domesticating the regional strategy on meteorology.
In addition, Ministers will review progress on establishment of corridor management institutions, domestication of regional agreements, harmonisation trade facilitation regulations, standards and systems and the construction and maintenance of trade and transport infrastructure.
The meeting will be attended by representatives from International and Cooperating Partners, United Nations Agencies, Implementing Agencies and Development Partners responsible for these sectors.
The Joint Meeting of Ministers responsible for Transport, ICT, Information and Meteorology and Infrastructure will be preceded by meetings of Senior Officials responsible for Transport, ICT, Information and Meteorology and Infrastructure from 12 - 15 June 2023.